
Instagram Photos

Oct 28th, 2011

5d 99f 4212bba 4990be 72b 75759ee 0f 02 7 450x 450

C 97ab 6b 8913e 41b 9951a 4da 8293f 9a 12 7 450x 450

F 5cac 1158dfe 462d 80f 6e 69fe 9ab 1818 7 450x 450

There are soo many good photos on Instagram that we decided to do a weekly stream of photos that we like and users that we follow. In the past we’ve covered Cole Rise who does beautiful work, check out him if you haven’t yet.

-Via Iso50 Blog

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Have you ever noticed that…

Oct 27th, 2011

“Have you ever noticed that when your mind is awakened or drawn to someone new, that person’s name suddenly pops up everywhere you go? My friend Sophie calls it coincidence, and Mr. Simpless, my parson friend, calls it Grace. He thinks that if one cares deeply about someone or something new one throws a kind of energy out into the world, and “fruitfulness” is drawn in.” ~Mary Ann Shaffer

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Window Seat Please

Oct 27th, 2011

Window Seat Please

-Via Audreyhepburncomplex

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Oct 27th, 2011

“Mess” a student, situated fluorescent light installation, commenting on the state of flux in downtown Sydney. Collaboration between Benjamin Chadbond, Michael Montuoro, Oly Begg, Lucy Zhang & Leah de la Cruz.

-Via Notcot

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The Countryside

Oct 27th, 2011

The Countryside

-Via Flickr

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Shaker Straws

Oct 27th, 2011

10 10 11 Straws 1

This creative approach to a box of straws was designed by Nick Seville a graphic design student at University of Central Lancashire UK.

10 10 11 Straws 2

“Created for a first year project, the brief was to repackage a pound shop item to make it look a much higher quality product. This was achieved by creating a product that stood out on the shelves and made it more interactive for the customer to get a feel for the product.”

10 10 11 Straws 3

-Via Thedieline

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Petersham Nurseries

Oct 26th, 2011

Petersham Nurseries

-Via Politefight

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Oct 26th, 2011

-Via Vimeo

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Oct 26th, 2011


-Via Flickr

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Aleksey Kovalev

Oct 26th, 2011

Tumblr Lrahmqp pg 71qz 7ymy

Tumblr Lrahmqp pg 71qz 7ymyo 2 1280

5510653726 67145b 7b 55 z

-Via Photojojo’s Tumblr

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