

7:36pm | May 14th, 2010


Robby is surely the most interesting person I’ve met in my life. I had already started to gather that from our occasional chats in the hall bathroom but I think I anointed him for the position when he told me about his past summer–the abridged version: he hitchhiked to New Orleans from Atlanta to work on a tugboat, helped some truckers lift boxes for cash, and then took Amtrak back. Ridiculous. So the fall semester comes to an end and upon returning, I find out that he’s started a new chapter in his life…and it sounds absurdly awesome.

Robby is riding around the entire country on Amtrak in a year with plans to write a book about it and along the way write poetry here and there.

Thankfully, he’s decided to write up snippets of his journey as often as he can so that we can follow him and let me say, it’s already a blast reading what he’s been up to.

You should check it out and subscribe at Kalopia. You won’t be disappointed.

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