
Telestar Logistics and the Golden Gate Bridge

2:53am | Dec 22nd, 2009

Telestar 1

Telestar 2

I’m not sure whats better, these amazing pictures shot from the top of the Golden Gate Bridge, or the incredibly funny story behind them. Todd Lapin created Telstar Logistics, a fictional company, in order to gain access to places normal people could only dream of.

“What is Telestar Logistics? The short answer is that it’s a scam for parking illegally in loading zones. The nerdy answer is that it’s an ongoing experiment in corporate phenomenology, urban camouflage, and brand development. The tale unfolds something like this: In the late 1980s, I lived in Providence, Rhode Island, where I drove this 1974 Dodge Tradesman 200 van. One day, I had an epiphany — if I disguised the van to look like a work vehicle, I’d be able to park in yellow-curb zones without getting parking tickets. After a trip to an art-supply store to buy some vinyl lettering, an ambiguous company name was created, the letters were applied to the sides of the van, and indeed, no tickets were received.

The fake company took on a life of its own. In 1987, I bought a new SUV, which was duly accessorized to look like a fleet vehicle, with yellow stripes on the tailgate, a cryptic vehicle number on the sides, and a police-style spotlight.”

Telestar 3

“So, in other words, Telstar Logistics is my branded alter ego. Practically, however, it provides useful cover for many of the things I like to do, such as exploring transportation facilities and abandoned military bases.”

-Via Notcot

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